2019 Robotics: Week 5
Time is almost up! Watch the Week five recap video to see what has happened so far. Below is where you can also watch PodCats Ep.5 Go...

2019 Robotics Week 4
Catch up with Team 3242's progress during week four of this robotics season. Below are the weekly videos and PodCats Ep.4

2019 Robotics: Week 3
Week 3 recap video is finally here! Watch the video to find out what we have done so far for this years robotics season. Go Illumicats!

Something new our team decided to do this year! Podcats, the team 3242 robotics podcast concerning all things, well robotics. Watch the...

2019 Robotics: Week 2
And just like that another week has passed. The team, is a bit behind, but is eager to work and catch up. Go Illumicats!

2019 Robotics Week 1
Week 1 has finally begun and we are so excited to finally start the new robotics season! Kickoff was a blast! Pun intended. In the first...

TLA 2018-19
The supplies are finally in! Supplies for what you may ask? Supplies for the TLA of course! TLA (Thematic Learning Activity) is EMIT’s...

Homecoming Week Pt. 2
EMIT students jump back to the past in today's dress up theme, Decade Day. Depending on the student's year in school they were tasked...

Homecoming Week 2018
Homecoming week is in full swing and EMIT students get in the spirit of things by dressing up! The homecoming theme this year is the War...

This past weekend, our robotics team, the ILLUMICATS, traveled all the way to Tampa Bay to compete in the annual robotics pre-season...